Chiropractic Neck Adjustments
Beverly Hills
Gentle Chiropractic neck adjustments.
Neck pain is quite common amongst people of all ages. With the constant stress of looking at computer screens and our love of cell phones, neck pain is endemic in society. With appropriate chiropractic neck adjustments relief from the intense pain long with greater mobility and stability of the cervical spine is accomplished. Poor posture and text neck can be treated. Don’t let the modern world be a pain in your neck.
General pain and stiffness treated by Dr. Stewart
At Los Angeles Back Doctor, I will do my best to alleviate multiple neck problems, including but not limited to:
- Pinched or compressed nerves
- Herniated discs in the cervical region of the spine
- Mis-aligned cervical bones due to any injury or impact
- Strained muscles with the development of multiple trigger points
- Repetitive stress in the arm and shoulder muscles Text Neck.
- Text Neck
- Computer neck strain
Patient concerns: I will never perform a cervical / neck Adjustments without making sure the patient is comfortable with the procedure!
I understand to many the neck adjustment is somewhat scary. It is the neck and the sound can be frightening. I will perform a thorough exam to identify the exact issue within the cervical region of the spine. Relax the muscles in the arms and shoulders to allow for gentle adjusting. If needed I will send for X-rays or MRIs. Very rarely are imaging studies required unless there is trauma involved.
After careful consideration and explaining to my patients the benefits of a gentle cervical adjustment we will make the decision to perform one together. I will never be pushy, if you are uncomfortable with a neck adjustment, that is fine, I will not do one. Your comfort is the most important part of my treatments.
- If you are suffering from any intense problem in the cervical region, do connect with Dr. Stewart at Los Angeles Back Doctor for chiropractic neck treatments.